Portneuf Health Trust donated $44,618 to Health West for the purchase of much needed new equipment. Health West received this grant because they continue to enhance and improve health in southeast Idaho and surrounding areas, which is Portneuf Health Trust’s main goal. The new equipment will allow Health West to upgrade the quality of care they provide to their patients.
A new non-stress test which will allow Health West to provide better prenatal care for their OB patients. As well as a new microscope to help detect skin rashes and other issues.
Health West-Aberdeen-2010
Portneuf Health Trust awarded Health West $10,000 to purchase a new information technology infrastructure to assist in incorporating electronic medical records in their Aberdeen Clinic. At 3,300 square feet, the new Health West clinic is twice the size of the community’s original clinic, and the only primary care clinic in a community of about 2,000 people. The clinic has served about 1,500 patients with an average of 5,000 visits per year and is expected to grow.